Waste Management…. ways to help the environment during construction!

Are you about to embark on your first ever building project or maybe you're a construction company with several projects on the go at once? Whatever your situation, an important question we all need to think about is: what can we do to manage waste during a construction project? Most people agree that managing waste is hugely important and can have a massive impact on our environment. When waste is poorly managed it can lead to water and air contamination and even soil erosion. Lots of us are concerned about the effect the construction industry is having on the planet and are constantly looking for ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. 

Here at Method Studio Architecture we pride ourselves on always keeping up with the latest resources and advice to make sure that sustainability is a main focus of any project. With that in mind during the design phase we do our best to ‘design out’ waste. This ensures that design decisions not only prevent waste from being produced in the first place, but also positively improve the recycled content and future recyclability of a project. During our Stage Three Tender Process we also help you find the right contractor for your architectural project who will really care about waste management and the impact this can have on the environment. 

Most of the tips in this article are directed mainly towards construction companies but can also help any client undertaking a project to keep a keen eye on how their project is affecting our planet. First of all though, we need to answer an important question. Does it really matter if we manage waste during construction?

Benefits of good waste management 

According to a recent survey, each year five million tonnes of construction and demolition waste finds its way into UK landfills. Waste comes from three main sources: demolition, excavation and materials wasted during the construction process. Simple changes on site to reduce, reuse and recycle can bring significant benefits. Some of these are:

  • less use of natural resources

  • lower risk of pollutant incidents

  • less waste goes to landfill

  • lower CO2 emissions from producing, using and transporting waste

All of these can also save you money in the long run, a key factor for any project.

So how can waste be managed effectively on site?

A site waste management plan is a crucial document that describes the amount and type of waste from a construction project and how it will be reused, recycled or disposed of. Below are some ways that this can be implemented on site.


One article stated that an estimated 13% of raw materials ordered for a project are discarded unused. Therefore, an important detail to consider is how to avoid over-ordering on materials and ensuring that storage areas are safe, secure and weatherproof. Consequently saving money and wastage from producing and transporting wasted materials.


If you do have any materials left over, where possible consider reusing them on another project. Alternatively, materials in good condition could be either donated or sold. Websites like Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree are fantastic platforms for selling these kind of products.


Installing recycle bins for materials can help you reduce the number of items thrown into a skip on site, which ultimately ends up in landfill. Items being replaced like sinks, baths and countertops could be either sold or recycled. The following items can also be recycled: 

  • Cardboard

  • Paper

  • Plastics

  • Untreated wood

  • Concrete

  • Gravel

  • Window glass

  • Carpet

  • Brick

  • Roofing

All of this being said, unfortunately at this point in time, we cannot completely eliminate the negative impact the construction industry is having on the environment. However, by implementing some of the above suggestions during your architectural project we can try to limit the damage being done to our planet. And of course we can always look for new ways to improve the procedures implemented on site during a project. 

Still have questions or concerns about what steps to take to reduce the impact your architectural project is having on the environment? Talk to our team today! They are always happy to discuss sustainability on any project.